Patricia has been presenting seminars and workshops internationally for almost 20 years. Currently she is offering several one evening (or afternoon) seminars briefly described below. For more information on each of these workshops please follow the links on the left sidebar where available and visit the main website - BEBEST.COM. Please email questions and for speaker availability. rates, workshop schedules and to get on a mailing list for future dates.

The Natural Non-Surgical Face-Lift
(visit link on left sidebar)

An East - West Approach to Weight
(visit link on left sidebar)

Drug-Free Techniques for Feeling Your Best
Learn to Press Your Points NOT Push Your Buttons
(visit link on left sidebar)

What You Should Know
(visit link on left sidebar)


Patricia specializes in Chronic Pain Relief and Hormone Imbalances. She is not a medical doctor, She is a therapist. She is board certified in all the modalities that she uses. She uses a blend of therapies based in western and eastern trainings. These modalities are powerful, fast, and require no drugs, supplements or needles.

RT identifies the short circuits and the causes of the imbalance and therefore goes to the source and not the symptom. It is a technique that tests for and removes various endocrine disruptors in the body, allowing for the endocrine system to deliver and receive it's messages properly. RT is a fairly new procedure which is fast becoming widely used by health care practitioners who recognize that the body is more than the sum of its parts. It's a system of health care that is truly state-of-the-art in removing endocrine disruptors from the body, thus allowing the endocrine system to work with much more ease. When this system is out of balance, symptoms develop and health deteriorates. Many factors affect the body's state of balance. When the endocrine system is out of balance, it becomes exhausted. Many symptoms such as pain and disease often develop. (VIEW YOU TUBE PRESENTATION -

Acu-point therapy is a century old modality based in Asian Medicine. There are various forms of Acu-point therapy such as acupuncture (where needles are inserted into the Acu-points), acupressure (where pressure is used), shiatsu which is a form of bodywork where points on the lines of energy (meridians) are pressed, and finally what I practice -Needle-less Acupuncture. This may sound confusing but point therapy has been in existence for centuries long before needles were invented. Its concepts are the basis of the healthcare system for 10's of millions of people. Needles are NOT required. There are several ways you can stimulate points. Needle-less Acupuncture is not just for pain. As it addresses the underlying condition it is used to balance the whole person. You cannot separate the body and the mind - balance one and you balance the other. Emotional blocks can be moved and physical symptoms cleared as a person is brought back into healthy balance. Just some of the areas that it addresses; the digestive, reproductive, immune and respiratory systems, anxiety, depression, that annoying "stuck" feeling and, of course, physical discomfort. What makes simple acupressure and acupuncture without needles different? Simply said it is the extent of training and understanding of advanced techniques, theory and application. It is not based on symptoms. Having been trained by acupuncturists I assess as a Traditional Chinese Medical professional.

The American Medical Association (AMA) recognized hypnotherapy as a valid therapeutic modality as far back as 1958. Since that time hypnosis has become widely accepted as a powerful tool for developing optimum health. Former president of the British Society of Medical Hypnotists, S. J. Van Pelt states: "Nobody can deny that hypnosis is the most powerful and effective method of controlling the mind, and through the mind, the whole body."


Patricia utilizes and incorporates Asian Medical techniques with Western Mind Science. She is a Board Certified Medical and Master Clinical Hypnotherapist and an Acu-point specialist. She has trained in the Kiiko Matsumoto style of Acu-point therapy with David Euler, and other world known masters such as B.J. Wang, Koei Kuahara, Cliff Andrews, Lu Wei Dong, Bill Tara and George Bien. Her certifications are through the American Board of Medical Hypnotherapy, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, and the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia. She is also a certified practitioner of RT - the Restoration Technique studying with the developer in Alexandra, VA.

In addition, Gilmore is the founder of PAWHA.ORG - the Pan American Whole Health Alliance bringing complementary healthcare training into poor rural areas of North, South and Central America and the Caribbean islands.

During the last 20 years Patricia has been involved in the study of Mind/Body Science with an aim to teach others how to improve their lives. An author and active teacher and international speaker, Patricia has taught literally thousands of people the skills and techniques to reach and maintain wellness. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Patricia or find out more information regarding her public appearances or speaker's rates please email


THE HORMONE CONNECTION (published May 2003 in the Woman's Page monthly magazine)

Can´t find your car keys? Jeans getting tight? Feeling tired or anxious? Feeling down? It just might be your hormones.

Have you ever found yourself misplacing things, unable to concentrate, not able to grasp the right words? I have many clients refer to this as having a senior moment. "No," I tell them. "It sounds more like you are having a thyroid moment."

Are you suffering from slow and consistent weight gain even though you are eating well and exercising? Have you been feeling tired and fatigued even though you get to bed early? Do you have feelings of anxiousness or depression? All these symptoms (and more) can be linked to an improperly functioning thyroid.

The thyroid is a small gland just under the skin on the front of the neck. This gland plays a very important role in controlling the body’s METABOLISM and how the body functions. It does this by producing hormones that tell the body how fast to work and how to use energy. (Unused Energy = FAT)

Thyroid hormones play a major part in creating the correct metabolic rate. If it is not functioning properly everything slows down leading to these classic symptoms: * weight gain * fatigue * cold hands and feet * difficulty focusing and remembering * anxiety * depression * constipation * hair loss. The list can go on and on including many problems with the female reproductive system including menstrual disorders, endometriosis, and breast cancer.

What is the connection between reproductive problems and the thyroid? We are not parts but rather we are systems. When one gland does not work properly it affects other glands and hormones in the body. When you decrease the thyroid hormones you increase estrogens. The function of estrogen is to promote growth. When your estrogens are over-producing or when you take them in from outside sources, growth can get out of control.

"But I am not on birth control pills and I am not taking HRT, I must be safe."

All of us are exposed to substances daily that mimic estrogens. These false estrogens lock up the hormonal system including the thyroid gland and the cells that need the information to work properly. These false estrogens are called ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS.

These ED’s are in much of the food we eat. Haven’t you wondered why the teens now are all taller and more developed than any time in history? Their bodies have blossomed well before their maturity levels. And why do we have so many instances of breast cancer in this country? If you eat non-organic meats you are regularly ingesting additional estrogen. American farmers use hormones in animal feed to produce bigger livestock as fast as possible. You are what you eat. Got milk?

Other substances that can lock up the system are pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and a wealth of chemicals that we use daily. We can do this so innocently. Micro-waving in plastic creates a toxic substance known as a xeno-estrogen and it goes right into our meal. Better living through chemicals does not mean our food.

Many times a person can have normal thyroid test results but still have all the classic symptoms. This can be due to ED’s blocking the cells. The thyroid is talking but nobody is listening. We have grown to accept that our metabolism is going to slow down in our 30’s. This could be due to many years of exposure to toxins. Luckily there is a test that can identify the most common things locking up the system and a non-supplemental method of removing them. I use this in my practice.

If you have symptoms of an under-active thyroid you should have your doctor check your levels. However, before going on medications you may wish to check if ED’s are the culprit and possibly avoid taking hormones. Supplementing with hormones weakens the gland. It is a situation similar to those immature teens. If you give them all their spending money why should they work?


Springtime - what a glorious time. The sun shines longer during the day, the daffodils begin to bloom and the heather starts to show it’s purple flowers. It is a lovely time when life seems to renew.

It is also a time when the season gets more wet. The rains come to scent the earth and help nourish it and make things more green. Green is the color of spring and in Oriental Medicine the element associated with it is WOOD. This is not the wood of the oak tree but the wood of new growth, the green wood of saplings reaching for the sun. It is also a time of wind. Oak trees in great winds can have their limbs snapped off but the green wood is flexible enough to bend and sway with it.

When we are in balance in this season we too can bend and sway with the winds of life. We are flexible. When our WOOD element is out of balance we cannot be flexible and we too can snap, quite literally. The emotions associated with the spring are anger and frustration. The body parts associated with this season are the muscles and tendons and the liver and the gallbladder. Although it is a time for renewal and brighter days, we may also find that we are quicker to anger and experience more frustration. The liver/gallbladder energies also rule our judgment and decision making processes. If we find ourselves too quick to judge, or the converse, quite indecisive, we need to look to balance the energies in those energetic organ systems.

I myself am a self-proclaimed WOOD person. I totally confess to it. I need to watch myself in the spring (quite coincidentally, my birthday falls on the first full day of spring.) The personality of a WOOD person is one that works hard and plays hard, one that likes to win and hates to lose. WOOD people are leaders not followers. They make excellent managers and CEO’s when they are in balance. If they are not careful they can show too much anger, frustration and impatience. They experience muscle and tendon tightness and they jump too quickly into action. Wood people tend to overindulge in many things, not only food and/or drink but these are the people that can become workaholics. It is all a matter of balance. There is nothing wrong with having a WOOD personality as long as you keep it in check.

Things to watch for in the season of spring are over indulgences. Everything we bring into our body goes through the liver, it is the organ of detoxification. Feed yourself well. Work your muscles out gently before attempting to play or work hard. Remember to relax and let go of anger and frustration, remember it will pass as you become more balanced. And beware of the wind. We naturally want to shed the scarves and turtlenecks as the weather warms but there are acupressure points on the neck that are direct entry points into the energetic system. When wind hits those points it enters the body and works it’s way through it. We manifest an internal wind bringing pain or symptoms that seem to move around from place to place. Always cover your neck when the wind is blowing.

Relish in the new beginnings that spring brings. Stop and smell the roses.